The coffee business

This business is by far simpler that the limes and concentrates mainly in the husbandry of the plantation. We have a good relationship with four ‘torrefadores’ which buy our full production without flinching. Because of the maturity of this market, prices are set in Chicago and New York and filter down easily to the producer.

We produce the Arabica strain (28% with 192 sacs in 2011) and Robusta 72% with 490 sacs). The goal for 2017 is exactly double these volumes.

Here again prices vary daily, but the average of between US$1.39 and US$1,68 per pound in the Chicago exchange market. These values translate into a R$250.00/R$320.00 in Bahia, when the exchange rate to the Brazilian Real was 2.15 to 1 US$. In 2016 the exchange rate averaged R$3.5 and even reached the level of R$4.13 for several months. During that period the price of a sack of Arabica shot up to R$800.00, and R$660.00 for the Robusta quality.