Aros Trading in Holland

The AROS TRADING in the Netherlands

The AROS TRADING in the NetherlandsThe choice to invest in limes was not casual: statistics were carefully analyzed, the various links in the chain of value, export containers purchased from third parties to verify the import and distribution difficulties in the Netherlands and in Italy. We did our homework before we committed to any investment of businesses: the historical series heralded a steady growth in the last 15 years (3%) While the future projections of consumption have never been assessed at no less than 6% for 5 years in the future.

The latest reliable statistics that we have (Eurostat Comext, 2013-2014) confirm that imports of fresh lemons in the European market are increasing rapidly. In 2013, more than 111,000 tons of limes entered the EU market. Between 2009 and 2014, the market for fresh lemons increased more than 50%. Apparently insensitive to economic crises, the European market for fresh limes should continue to grow. This is due to the growing popularity of limes in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Between consumers, the perception about the limes is changing toward being accepted as a regular fruit for everyday consumption, instead of an exotic tropical fruit.

This was the best demonstration of the recognition for our quality fruit. Just this paid for all investments and struggles that we went through to produce first class fruit, for all the nights and weekends working hard to ensure deliveries arrive on time, for the care — bordering on paranoia — to satisfy our customer’s expectations, that seemed to always increase, always asking for more and better fruit. Today we have two traders as our customers. And the relationship is excellent.

The importation of limes to the EU from third countries, were about €128 million in 2013, of which 126 million euros between 2009 and 2013; the total value of imports of the limes of the DC and other countries grew by 90%.

Most fresh limes imported in the European market in 2013 originated in Brazil (63,000 tons) and Mexico (44,000 tons). Together they represent more than 95% of the imported volume.

The Netherlands is the main importer of fresh limes in Europe, with 46% of total imports from the EU. Most limes imported is re-exported from the Netherlands to other European countries. Half goes to Germany. The United Kingdom, France, Sweden and Spain are served from Holland.

Em 2013, depois de várias visitas de diferentes gerentes da empresa holandesa (o diretor de qualidade, o diretor de vendas e um técnico em MRL inspecionaram a plantação e o Packing House, pelos menos duas vezes cada) e meses de trabalho para corrigir e refinar os nossos métodos e práticas, atingimos um nível de qualidade onde a Van Rhijn se declarou satisfeita: como consequência, ela nós abriu as portas para competir, e eventualmente conquistar, espaços nas prateleiras de vários supermercados alemães e suíços… as coisas estavam indo bem.

And we intend to continue and strengthen it even more.

In 2016 we opened the AROS TRADING CO. with our own representative in Rotterdam. In two years, we delivered more than 60 containers to two of the most respected traders of fruit in the Netherlands: Verdi and NICO. And this is just the beginning!!!

The Brazilian variety (seedless) is favored in Europe over the quality imported from Mexico that contains seeds and has a more bitter taste.

From 2010 to 2013, the director of quality, the sales director and even packing experts of VRT visited our plantation and Packing House, at least twice each year.

All these visits and support helped us to correct our mistakes and refines our practices so that we could reach the level of quality necessary to be a class L1+ in EU. It took three years for Van Rhijn to declare itself satisfied of our operation. As a result, we were able to compete, and eventually conquer spaces on the shelves of several German and Swiss supermarkets … things were going well.

But as always, the devil puts his tail when, in 2013, our partner of many years was bought by Chinese operators. Without any interest for limes and for Brazil, few months later, the company ended our partnership.

But the devil didn’t make things perfect, because some Van Rhijn clients called us and offered to continue to buy from us. It was… good.

With the substantial increase of deliveries in the future, we are negotiating with our representative the opening of our own distribution to supermarkets, though such a possibility demand attention and very different from the current care: the near future will tell us if this is the right way.