The Peralba Sucupira

The Peralba Sucupira is our jewel and culminates five years of experience and development of our orchards.

Selection of high quality seedlings. In PeralbaItalia, we used seedlings purchased by local, traditional growers. Now we went to a professional nursery accredited with the federal control departments directly linked to the Agricultural Ministry. Most of all, we chose the inserting branches form our most productive trees. And we chose only male trees. This combination of cares and concerns are the most advanced we ever heard used for limes, short of starting our own nursery as we did for the coffee. The overall cost was three times higher, but we bet on the future!

Ferti-irrigation. In 2016 we shall have such new method. And we plan to integrate it with tracking of tractors, drones, MIP (monitoring of Insects and pests), meteorological stations, emergency irrigation, etc., all these with some urgency we know now that the correct use of these instruments will be key of us reaching extraordinary yields.

With a density between trees of 7 m x 2 m and 7 m x 1/1, 5 m in a few lots, we are treading new ground. In 2016, one year from planting, we are excited with the progress of plants: the height and formation of plants easily exceed the two years growth of the Peralba Rio and Nova Rio!

Careful analysis of the soil. We took sampling of soil on one-hectare basis instead of the 5/10 hectares we used to for new plantations. We divided the PeralbaSucupira area in homogeneouspatches with similar terrain characteristics we applied ‘base’ fertilizers to conform to the patches. Created draining of each type… etc. etc. we really planned and innovated and we expect to see the results in 2017/8. We know already that they will be excellent!

The Peralba Sucupira is where we shall produce 60+ tons of fruit per hectare. Get ready!!
All this is no longer a dream. With the right partner and investment, all this can happen within the next year… and not in the five that we are unusually considered necessary to see results! But what’s the rush? We can walk alone and steadily: t who’s in a hurry?

It is clear that such results are the product of many factors, not least the growth in experience and dedication of our team, but it is also clear that we are doing something right with our plantation.
In addition to the new approaches adopted in the Peralba Rio and Nova Rio, we also introduced several basic improvements:

Conduction pruning. We started training pruning from the first year: we are evaluating the growth of Y-shaped plants vs spontaneous creation of shape. We aim at creating a wall of green trees with extremely ease of harvesting and high yields

The strategy of increased productivity and maintaining a high quality, will need a consistent and profitable production. So we are now forced to revise critically the market trends in the EU, and re-evaluate our operation outside of Brazil: we have a year and a half to resize our presence out there and organize ourselves to place the volumes of fruit that we expect.